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UC Baby Blog Baby Slip Tips

It can be challenging to find ways to reclaim your sleep after you have a baby. However, there are ways that you can get a break by ensuring that your baby sleeps peacefully and for long periods. The following are the 8 most important baby sleep tips that will give both you and your baby some much-needed time to rest.

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UC Baby Blog Baby Birth China

Baby birth traditions are some of the most beautiful customs around the world. In China, as in most places, the whole family places a lot of importance on the continuation of the family tree. The entire family is heavily involved in the child’s life, and thus many of the baby traditions focus on the family as a whole, not just the parents. Family planning is a matter for the whole family.

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UC Baby Blog Baby Birth Bali

Bali is an Indonesian Island in the Indian Ocean. The majority of the population has baby birth traditions specific to the island. Balinese people have unique customs related to birth and how babies are treated afterwards. They practice certain ceremonies for the placenta, umbilical cord, and cutting of the baby’s hair.

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UC Baby Blog Babyproofing Home-3

Before your little one starts crawling, you’ll have to start babyproofing. However, you shouldn’t have to wait until your child crawls before thinking about baby-proofing your home. Chances are they’ll become mobile overnight, and you’ll be caught unprepared. So here are some helpful tips for baby proofing basics and preventing accidents.

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