UC Baby 3D Ultrasound Blog

UC Baby HD 5D Ultrasound technology

Advances in ultrasound technology now provide an opportunity for parents-to-be to get closer than ever before to their unborn baby while growing in the womb. UC Baby’s pregnancy 5D ultrasound technology offers families an unforgettable experience to watch their baby’s movements and get their first pictures or videos before the birth. UC Baby images are clearer, sharper, and more life-like.

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UC Baby - Fetal Movements - Feel Your Baby Move

Feeling those little flutters and kicks from your baby during pregnancy, known as fetal movements or quickening, is a special experience. It’s like your baby is saying, “Hello, Mom, I’m here!” Typically, you start to notice these sweet movements around 18 to 25 weeks into your pregnancy. But remember that every mom-to-be is different!

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UC Baby Blog Aug Childcare

It’s time for you to go back to work. You’ve loved your time with your baby, but it’s time to transition them into childcare. You’re stressed about leaving your child, but you’re more concerned with how they’ll adapt to the changing circumstances. There are ways you can make this transition to childcare easier for them and for yourself.

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UC Baby Blog Aug Baby Food Recipes

Feeding your baby is a process that requires a lot of trial and error. If you have the time, making baby food can be an excellent way to determine your baby’s likes and dislikes.  You’ll discover how your baby responds to certain flavours, colours, or food textures. You will need a blender and a strainer for these baby food recipes. Let’s explore six baby food recipes that your baby would love!

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