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UC Baby Blog Exercise Pregnancy

Are you aware of the many benefits of exercise during pregnancy? The list ranges from controlled weight gain to developing a better immune system for the baby. Physical activity during pregnancy plays a vital role, both for you and for your growing baby. Exercise makes you happier, less stressed, and feel more in touch with the baby.

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UC BABY Blog Crib Safety-2

Are you aware of the standards for crib safety? Strictly following the safety guidelines for baby cribs can prevent accidents and injuries. Canadian Consumer Product Safety Act (CCPSA) bans using any crib made before 1986.
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UCBABY Blog 022021 - Fertility Ovulation

The moment you decide you’re ready to have a baby, you want it to happen quickly – like today, if possible. While there’s no magic pill that will ensure instant conception or even an express route to conceiving, there are things you can do to prepare your body for a healthy pregnancy. Here are some tips on how to get pregnant faster: Continue reading

Picky Eaters Toddler Development

Maybe your baby was a healthy eater, wolfing down every veggie purée you’d put in front of him or her. But if he or she has turned into a toddler who refuses to eat anything but chicken nuggets and plain pasta, well you’re not alone. Feeding picky eaters is a stage of toddler development that a lot of parents are not excited about.

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Blog - UCBABY - Breastfeeding

Breast milk is full of nourishing nutrients and protective compounds that are essential for your baby’s development. This is why breast milk is often referred to as liquid gold.

Not shockingly, it takes a lot of energy to produce this liquid gold and to breastfeed your baby continuously. Your needs for many nutrients also increase in demand.

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