Tag Archives: newborn

Baby birth traditions are some of the most beautiful customs around the world. In China, as in most places, the whole family places a lot of importance on the continuation of the family tree. The entire family is heavily involved in the child’s life, and thus many of the baby traditions focus on the family […]

Bali is an Indonesian Island in the Indian Ocean. The majority of the population has baby birth traditions specific to the island. Balinese people have unique customs related to birth and how babies are treated afterwards. They practice certain ceremonies for the placenta, umbilical cord, and cutting of the baby’s hair.

Are you aware of the standards for crib safety? Strictly following the safety guidelines for baby cribs can prevent accidents and injuries. Canadian Consumer Product Safety Act (CCPSA) bans using any crib made before 1986.

Newborn milestones are behavioral checkpoints in a baby’s development as they grow. These are the core skills all babies should be reaching around this age. From their first smile to their first push up on their own little arms!

Those first few days with baby are so cherished and special. You want to make sure you capture their newborn looks but professional photoshoots can be costly. And if paying for a photographer isn’t in your budget, don’t worry, you can still capture beautiful photos of your baby with DIY (Do it Yourself) photography tricks.