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UC Baby Blog - Baby Birth Tradition Japan

In Canada, the birth of a baby is generally a significant celebration. Families commonly host events like baby showers, but every family ultimately celebrates a birth uniquely. In certain countries, birth customs may seem more extravagant than others as celebrations are held for certain milestones. Japan’s festivities focus on the baby’s first time, such as the infant’s first birthday. Today, we’ll explore some of the most common birth traditions in Japan.

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UC Baby Blog Aug Baby Food Recipes

Feeding your baby is a process that requires a lot of trial and error. If you have the time, making baby food can be an excellent way to determine your baby’s likes and dislikes.  You’ll discover how your baby responds to certain flavours, colours, or food textures. You will need a blender and a strainer for these baby food recipes. Let’s explore six baby food recipes that your baby would love!

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