baby name selection

Determining your baby’s name may be one of the biggest decisions you will ever make. The options could be overwhelming.

Would you pick a name because it is popular?
Or you would rather give your baby a unique name?
What were the factors you considered in name selection?

Share your answers with us and get a chance to win a $25 Gift Card on Father’s Day.

Using the results released by every year, here we present the top 10 baby names for the last 15 years. We could see the changing trends and show how certain names that were not popular in 2000 – 2009 have slowly gained favour from parents and have risen in the ranks.


Aiden had been a consistent top from 2000 – 2012 until Jackson seems to become the new top favorite. Jacob has shown decrease in popularity over the name boys


Sophia is the trending favourite and have been holding top position since 2010. Emma is a consistent name at the top of the rankings, while Olivia has showed a significant jump in popularity since 2010.

baby name girls


You could go for the modern and trending name, or opt for a more classic and timeless selection. You could also select a name that is significant name in the family ( your grandparents’ names, for example). Or you may choose to come up with a unique name for your baby. Other couples make their choice by the name’s meaning.

For example: Aiden – .has Irish origins, name of Celtic sun god, meaning “little fire”, “fiery one”


Our Readers Share with us their reasons for Name Selection


Baby’s Name: Rylan luc Terry – 2014.  Raiden Kalevi Salvatore-2015
– Found Rylan online and fell in love, luc is my uncle who passed when I was 4, Terry is husband’s dad’s name Raiden husband found online,
– Kalevi is a Finnish name, husbands mom was born in Finland, Salvatore is my step moms grandfather’s name, she is from Italy.
~ Anik M. | Sudbury


Baby’s Name: Billy (if boy)
Due Date: Oct 2015
My father (William) passed away with MS…. Initially we had decided that we would not name our child after anyone (to prevent any “hurt feelings” amongst families). However, we both (my wife and I) really like the name Billy for a little boy, and it is a form of my father’s name. The meaning of “Billy” is also fitting, as it means “Resolute Protector.” After losing parents (my mom, dad, and father-in-law), as well as our first child (my wife miscarried in January) this child is our “Rainbow Child,” like a gift at the end of the rainbow, sunshine after the storm, sent to bring us even closer together as husband & wife, as a family of 3, as loving “Protectors!” We have many “Protectors”/Guardian Angels, but this little one is our angel here on earth. And, we’ll “protect” him (or her) with all that we have! We’re super excited to be parents! And if it’s a girl…. Maybe we could go with the name Billie…. Still trying to decide on a girl name….
~ Wendy E. | Fort McMurray, AB


Baby’s Name: Zoey
Due Date: Oct 2015
My dad loves the song Zoe Jane by Staind as it reminds him of his three girls. Since we might be having a girl, it’s a great way to honour my dad!
~ Lauren M. | Whitby


Baby’s Name: Katherine (Katie) Ann
Due date: August 2015
We were throwing some names around and our then two year old heard “Katie” and said, “No more names. Her name is Katie”. He refused to hear any other names after that! Katherine was chosen for three main reasons. 1. My mother in laws name was Catherine 2. We wanted her to have the option of a grown up name as she got older 3. The first time I ever lived on my own was while I was going to school in St Catharines and that city will always hold a special place in my heart (it’s where I met my husband!)
~ Julie K. | Cambridge, ON


Baby’s Name: Callie
Born: 2012
Her daddy loved the name and I later found out it was a character on the show the glades and a very pretty one at that!
~ Kim S. | Winnipeg


Baby’s Name: Kelton
Born: 2013
We fell in love with it when we heard it!
~ CJ B. | High River, AB


Baby’s Name: Ember Alice
Due Date: Aug 2015
Different , unique
~ kayla | Edmonton, AB


Baby’s Name: William
Born: 2013
Named after Great Grandpa
~ Amy S. | Edson, AB


Baby’s Name: Alexander Michael
Due Date: Sept 2015
Alexander has always been mommy to be’s favorite boy name & Michael is daddy-to-be’s favourite
~ Rebecca | River Hebert


Baby’s Name: Sutton Olivia
Due Date: Nov 2015
We wanted to pick something different. There could be 3-4 kids in our child’s class with the same name.
~ Amanda M. | Saint John


Baby’s Name: Zain
Due Date: Aug 2015
We love it. It means handsome and awesome
~ Reem O.


Baby’s Name: Alfonso Diego
Born: 2012
After a football player – diego maradona. And this name suits of spanish last name carrascoso
~ Antonio C. | Calgary


Baby’s Name:  Blake and Jaxon
Due Date: Oct 2015
We picked Blake and Jaxon for our twins boys names because we want strong short names just so happend they are daddy first initial and middle name initial 🙂
~ Samantha S. | Springstein, MB


Baby’s Name: Dylan
Born: 2009
Saw it on a Christmas movie
~ Jonathan K. | Bridgewater, NS


Baby’s Name: Jude
Due Date: Dec 2015
Favourite Song is Hey Jude – The Beatles
~ Jamie S. | Whitby


Baby’s Name: Rylee
Born: 2012
First letters of mother and fathers name together !
~ Tahnee | Truro


Baby’s Name: Victor
Due Date: Aug 2015
I love the sound of it and the meaning: “winner”, “conqueror”.
~ Larissa B. | Montreal


Baby’s Name: Hunter
Born: 2014
It’s Unique
~ Shyla C. | Halifax


Baby’s Name: Abigail
Due: May 2015
Came across it on a popular baby names list – loved the old fashioned ring to it
~ Samantha S. | Comox


Baby’s Name: Gabrielle/Gabriel 
Due: Jan 2016
It’s just a beautiful name that could be changed between genders easily
~William M. | Lower Sackville


Baby’s Name: Aurora
Born: 2014
When she was born she looked like a princess she was very blonde small and dainty the name Aurora just popped out it seemed to suit her better than any of the top 3 names we had.
~ Morgan D. | Bonnyville, AB


Baby’s Name: Huxley Black
Due: July 2015
Unique like daddys name.
~ Ashley D. | Barrie, ON


Baby’s Name: Melody
Due: Aug 2015
Because my wife calls me her musicman so she says this is our melody
~ Keith S. | Surrey, BC


Baby’s Name: Alonszo
Born: 2013
I love my son and want to surprise him with something special
~ Dyniesha | Edmonton


Baby’s Name: Sukham Klair
Born: 2009
My name starts with S and My wife’s with M so I wanted a name that starts with me and end at her as this is what baby is. Mine and my wife’s LOVE Sign.
~ Manpreet K. | Calgary


Baby’s Name: Alysa Jane
Due Date: July 2015
Named after her 3 great grandmothers.  
~ Jessica B. | St. John’s


Baby’s Name: Jaxson
Born: 2015
Both my fiance and I really liked it. It was one of the few that we could agree on.
~ Geoffrey S. | Kitchener


Baby’s Name: Everett William Perry
Due Date: Aug 2015
Everett was my husbands grandfather’s name, he raised him and passed away from cancer when my husband was 11. Corey has a tattoo on his arm, a wrench with the year his grandpy was born and the year he died where the measurements(sizes) are supposed to go. William is for my father, who raised me when my mother and father separated when I was 2. We wanted to name our first child after two VERY strong men. 🙂
~ Britney P. | Moncton


Baby’s Name: Josie Ann
Due Date: Nov 2015
It’s a little different name that you don’t hear often. 
~ Alex N. | Woods Harbour


Baby’s Name: Michaela Sandra
Born: 2012
We choose her name the same my Mother In-law because she born the same date on her birthday.
~ Gladys W. | Vulcan


Baby’s Name: Madison Sapphire
Due Date: Sept 2015
We already have a daughter named Chelsea Diamond, and we wanted our children to be named after gems because they are special and precious to us.
~ Caroline R. | Montreal


Baby’s Name: Saphria Rose
Due Date: 2015
We love the meaning: Princess
~ Daniella  | Winnipeg


Baby’s Name: Cadence
Born: 2012
Cadence has to do with music and both mom and dad are musically talented, so it seemed very fitting.
~ Amanda | Hubbards