UC Baby - Fetal Movements - Feel Your Baby Move

Feeling those little flutters and kicks from your baby during pregnancy, known as fetal movements or quickening, is a special experience. It’s like your baby is saying, “Hello, Mom, I’m here!” Typically, you start to notice these sweet movements around 18 to 25 weeks into your pregnancy. But remember that every mom-to-be is different!

Feeling your baby’s movements is an important way to connect with and understand the well-being of your little one. As your pregnancy progresses, you’ll notice these movements becoming more frequent and visible from the outside as your baby grows stronger. They can feel like gentle flutters, rolls, kicks, or playful jabs. You might find they become more active after a meal or when resting. These precious sensations reassure expectant mothers and help form a special bond between you and your unborn child. Remember to keep track of these movements, and don’t hesitate to inform your healthcare provider about any significant changes – it’s crucial for your and your baby’s health!

Watch: Fetal Movements - When You Feel your Baby Move


Importance of understanding Fetal Movements for expectant mothers

Understanding your baby’s movements is important to your journey as an expectant mom. Being aware of how active and lively your little one is can give you peace of mind and help you notice any changes that may need attention. By staying in tune with your baby’s movements, you’re building a beautiful connection and ensuring you and your baby have a smooth, healthy pregnancy. Keep track of those joyful wiggles and kicks – they’re all signs of growth and well-being!

It’s a wonderful feeling to experience your baby’s movements during pregnancy. Paying attention to these movements is essential to staying connected with your little one and ensuring their well-being as they grow inside you. Keep in mind that babies are typically most active when you’re at rest, especially in the evening. If you notice any movement decrease, it’s always best to consult your healthcare provider for peace of mind. Regularly monitoring fetal movements, particularly in the third trimester, is recommended by doctors to ensure that everything is progressing as it should be for both you and your baby.


Typical Fetal Movements

When you’re expecting, it’s completely normal to wonder about your baby’s movements in the womb. You might notice certain patterns as your little one grows and develops. These movements are all part of their essential development process. It’s amazing how they start out with those tiny flutters and then progress to more defined kicks and rolls as they grow!

  1. 1
    First Trimester
    • Although you may not feel fetal movements during the first trimester, the baby is already kicking and stretching its limbs.
    • Fetal movements may be sporadic and subtle, often feeling like flutters or gas bubbles.
  2. 2
    Second Trimester
    • Fetal movements become more pronounced, with the baby often kicking, punching, and hiccupping. You can sometimes feel these movements as flutters or “quickening.”
    • As the second trimester approaches, fetal movements become more noticeable and regular, with distinct patterns of activity and rest.
  3. 3
    Third Trimester
    • Fetal movements are usually at their strongest, with the baby running out of space to move freely. You may feel more defined movements like rolls, stretches, and smaller jabs and kicks. These movements signify a healthy, active baby and can be reassuring for expectant parents.
    • Fetal movements are typically at their peak by the third trimester, with the baby kicking, stretching, and rolling frequently.

It’s normal for your little one to move around and change as your pregnancy goes on. At first, you might feel their movements now and then, and they’ll be quite gentle. But as your baby grows, you’ll start noticing more frequent and stronger kicks. By the time you reach the third trimester, you may pick up on distinct patterns of when your baby is active versus taking a break.

Feeling these differences can be a sign that everything is going well with your growing bub. However, if at any point you have worries about their movements or notice less activity than usual, it’s always best to chat with your healthcare provider for some peace of mind.


Did you know that keeping track of your baby’s movements in the womb can help ensure their well-being? It’s called kick counting, and it involves paying attention to your baby’s kicks, punches, and movements on a daily basis. This is especially important in the third trimester, when you should start feeling those adorable little flutters more frequently. If you ever notice a decrease in your baby’s activities, don’t hesitate to contact your healthcare provider immediately. By staying on top of kick counts, you’re looking out for your baby’s health during this special time.

How to do kick counts effectively

Kick counts during pregnancy are important for monitoring your baby’s health and well-being. To do kick counts effectively, find a quiet and comfortable place to lie on your left side.

  1. Track 10 distinct movements

    It’s a good idea to start keeping track of your baby’s movements. Why not try using a timer or watch to see how long it takes for you to feel 10 distinct movements or kicks from your little one? Keep a note of the time each day – it’s a great way to keep an eye on their activity levels. If you ever notice any decrease in movement, or if it takes longer than usual for those 10 kicks, reach out to your healthcare provider right away.

  2. Same time each day

    It’s a good idea to do kick counts around the same time every day when your baby tends to be most active. This is often after they’ve had something to eat or drink that they enjoy. Doing this can help you get a feel for your baby’s movement patterns and ensure everything is progressing. Keep in mind that each baby is unique, so tuning into what’s normal for yours is key.

Keeping track of your baby’s movements through regular kick counts can give you confidence and help identify any concerns early on. By following these easy guidelines and maintaining a consistent kick count routine, expecting mothers can effectively monitor their baby’s activity throughout pregnancy.

During pregnancy, you might notice your little one’s movements changing and developing in a lot of different ways. These movements tell us a lot about how your baby is growing and developing! It’s all part of the amazing journey of bringing new life into the world.

  1. Kicking

    Kicks are one of the most common and recognizable movements, often felt as sharp jabs or thumps against the uterus. These can be strong and startling at times.

    A baby kicking in the womb is a common and positive sign of its health and development. It typically indicates that the baby is active and moving around, which shows that its muscles and nervous system are functioning properly. It is also a good sign that the baby is getting enough nutrients and oxygen from the mother.

  2. Rolling

    Rolls are another type of movement characterized by a slow, rolling sensation as the baby shifts position. These movements can be more subtle and gentle than kicks.

    Rolling movements indicate that the baby is getting stronger and developing their coordination skills. It shows the baby is learning to control their body and move differently. It is a normal part of their development and usually nothing to worry about.

  3. Hiccupping

    Hiccups are common and often feel like a rhythmic, repetitive pulsing sensation. The baby practicing breathing movements causes them.

    Hiccupping in the womb is a common occurrence and usually not a cause for concern. It is a positive sign that the baby’s diaphragm and nervous system are developing properly. However, if the hiccups happen frequently or for long periods, it may be worth mentioning to a healthcare provider.

  1. 1
    Decreased movements

    If you notice a decrease in your baby’s normal pattern of movements, it is essential to pay attention and contact your healthcare provider. This could indicate a potential issue with your baby’s well-being and should not be ignored.

  2. 2
    Changes in movement intensity

    If you start feeling either much stronger or weaker movements than usual, it could be a cause for concern. Sudden changes in movement intensity should be discussed with your healthcare provider to rule out any potential complications.

  3. 3
    Change in movement frequency

    If your baby is usually active at certain times of the day and suddenly becomes less active, this could signal a problem. Keep track of your baby’s movement patterns and consult your healthcare provider if you notice any significant changes.

  4. 4
    Trust your Instincts

    If you have any worries or concerns about your baby’s movements, it is always best to trust your instincts and seek advice from your healthcare provider. It is better to be cautious and get reassurance than ignore potential issues.

Discussing fetal movements with your healthcare provider

Having regular chats about this helps ensure that everything is on track and gives you peace of mind, knowing that any concerns can be addressed promptly.

How healthcare providers use fetal movements to monitor your baby’s well-being.

Healthcare providers pay close attention to your baby’s movements during pregnancy to ensure everything goes smoothly. They can assess how your baby is growing by keeping track of the frequency, intensity, and pattern of those little kicks and wiggles. If you notice a decrease in movements, don’t worry, but let your provider know so they can take a closer look.

When to seek medical attention for changes in fetal movements

As your little one grows and becomes more active during pregnancy, it’s normal for their movements to change. However, paying attention to these changes is important. Reach out to your healthcare provider right away if you observe a decrease in movements or if they seem significantly different than usual, as this could be a sign of potential issues. Trust your instincts and always reach out for help if you have any concerns about your baby’s movements.


During pregnancy, it’s important to be mindful of your baby’s movements. Each little kick, punch, roll, or flip is a sign of their growth and development. Not only does paying attention to these movements help you track your baby’s progress and detect any potential concerns early on, but it also strengthens the special bond between you and your little one. So, take some time each day to tune into those precious movements – it’s good for both you and your growing baby!


Experience the joy of seeing your little one’s movements during our 3D/HD ultrasound sessions. Get in touch with our team at the nearest location to find out more about this amazing opportunity!



Fetal Movement – WebMD: When You Feel Baby Kick

Fetal Movement Counting – Stanford Medicine Children’s Health

Fetal movement and kick counts – Pregnancy Info

When Can You Feel Your Baby Move and Kick?

Kick Counts –  Cleveland Clinic



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