
Why should we plant trees? Planting trees is crucial to save and protect the environment our children will live in. Learn more about how we can improve the quality of life of our children and their future families.

1. Breathe in fresh air.

Trees play a crucial role in maintaining healthy air quality. They can absorb odors and pollutant gases such as nitrogen oxides, ammonia, sulphur dioxide, and ozone. Additionally, trees act as natural filters by trapping particulates on their leaves or bark. One acre of mature trees can provide enough oxygen for 18 people annually.

2. Fight climate change.

Climate change is arguably the most significant challenge our planet faces today, primarily caused by excessive carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. However, trees are powerful allies in mitigating this issue. Trees absorb CO2 from the atmosphere through photosynthesis and store it while releasing oxygen. We can help combat climate change by effectively reducing CO2 levels by planting more trees.

3. Embrace renewable energy.

In an era where fossil fuels pose significant environmental problems, there is growing recognition of renewable energy sources. Adequately harvested and sustainably treated trees can become an excellent renewable energy source. With technological advancements, harnessing tree biomass has become a viable solution for generating clean energy.

4. Save Water.

Water conservation is essential in combating water scarcity and ensuring sustainable ecosystems. Trees assist with this by providing much-needed shade that slows down evaporation from low-lying vegetation. Furthermore, trees require about 15 gallons of water per week to survive but release approximately 200-450 gallons of water daily through transpiration.

5. Cool down the streets.

Global warming is an urgent issue that affects us all daily. Over the past 50 years, the average global temperature has increased by 1.4°F. One of the contributing factors to this warming trend is the decline in tree coverage due to deforestation and urban development. Cities become significantly warmer as trees are removed and replaced with heat-absorbing asphalt roads and buildings. However, trees can cool down cities by up to 10°F through evapotranspiration and shade provision.

6. Boost Your Mood.

Not only do trees offer environmental benefits, but they also profoundly impact our well-being. The mere sight of trees has been scientifically proven to reduce anxiety and depression, lower heart rate, and induce relaxation. Spending time in forested areas or simply being around trees can enhance our ability to recover from stress and promote overall mental health.

7. Support biodiversity.

Trees provide vital resources for a wide array of animal species. They serve as food sources, shelter habitats, and sites for reproduction for various animals such as birds, small mammals, amphibians, reptiles, insects, and more. Planting more trees can help sustain these ecosystems and protect critical wildlife populations.

8. Preserve our Environment.

Trees play a crucial role in maintaining ecosystem balance on land and near water bodies. Their roots hold soil in place, reducing erosion around watercourses and on your property. During heavy rainfall, trees absorb rainwater and help prevent flooding by reducing runoff. Furthermore, near rivers or streams, tree roots act as natural filters trapping harmful chemicals and reducing their deposition into the water.

9. Create cherished memories.

Beyond their practical benefits, trees hold tremendous emotional value for many people. Growing up with trees can create lasting memories, such as climbing or swinging from their branches. It’s remarkable to think that most urban trees have a life expectancy of 80 years or more – meaning that if you were to plant a tree today, it could become a cherished landmark for future generations.

10. Promote Healing.

Research has shown that patients with views of trees from their windows experience faster healing and fewer complications than those without natural surroundings. Furthermore, children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) exhibit reduced symptoms when they have access to nature. The therapeutic benefits of exposure to trees and nature extend to aiding concentration by reducing mental fatigue.


In conclusion, planting trees is essential for saving and protecting the environment. They also help improve our children’s and future generations’ quality of life. Trees offer incredible benefits from cleaning the air we breathe, combating climate change, providing renewable energy sources, and creating sentimental memories. So, let’s join together in taking action – one tree at a time – towards a greener and healthier future.



10 Reasons to Plant Trees Now

10 Excellent Reasons To Plant Trees

22 Benefits of Trees


Join UC BABY - PLANT a TREE for every CHILD - Use Forest Unique Code: 718

Plant a Tree for Every Child

UC Baby is Canada’s top ultrasound company, capturing priceless pregnancy moments and creating cherished memories for almost 20 years. But our vision goes beyond new life; we’re also passionate about preserving our planet.

That’s why we partnered with Tree Canada in 2021/2022 and Evertreen in 2023 to make a difference in the Canadian and global environment. Together, we’ve already planted over 3900 trees – symbols of love for our planet and commitment to future generations.

Join us in planting more trees for a greener world and leaving a lasting legacy.


UC Baby Plant a Tree Campaign