dads in labor delivery birth room

You may think that it’s the soon-to-be mom who has the most concern about the birth delivery day –  « The D-Day ». We may not realize it but the Dads have as much dilemma for that day.For some, this could be such a daunting task, not because they don’t want to be there, but because they don’t know if they could handle it.

The common delivery room fears are: feeling sick/nauseous, passing out, cannot imagine seeing their partner in pain, or just simply the overall feeling of helplessness.

Here are some tips for the expectant fathers to help you get it through the D-Day:

1. You only Fear what you don’t Know.

It is the idea of the unknown that causes a feeling of fear. Read about what to expect at childbirth. Ask your partner’s doctor about what to expect. If you know fellow dads who have gone through the process, you may ask them for some tips as well.

Attending a childbirth class can help ease your worries. You will gain a better understanding of the labor, what to expect, common procedures, birth positions, breathing exercises, etc.

To know more about the stages of labor, read our post on « How Do You Know You’re in Labor? »

2. What are you there for? Define your Role.

Are you supposed to be a coach or a cheerleader? Just remember that your presence alone will be a great help if you know how to be supportive during the entire labor process. Talk to her about what she expects of you. Express to her what you are comfortable with. Share your worries.


3. Familiarity eases Uncertainty

Plan your hospital trip on delivery day. Be familiar not just with the hospital surroundings and facilities, but also with how to get yourself there (traffic conditions, alternate routes). Be familiar with what your partner has packed in your The-D-Day Bag.


4. Prepare for the Unexpected…or the Expected

Please, don’t expect yourself to faint! Learn calming breathing techniques. Keep yourself hydrated. Prepare yourself to handle situations that may make you feel uncomfortable.

Be ready to witness a wide range of emotions from your partner during the labor process. When a person is in pain, they themselves don’t even know if they want to be comforted or they want to blow your ears off. Don’t take things personally. This is not the time for you to be all emotionally sensitive.

Don’t worry about trying to ‘fix’ the situation for your partner. Trust that your supportive presence is enough for her as she goes through this very significant part of her life as a mother and share with you a memorable moment of your life together as a family.

Breathe, Daddy! Count your toes. You’ll do just fine.

birth delivery


By: Donna Costa, UC Baby Marketing