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Are you aware of the standards for crib safety? Strictly following the safety guidelines for baby cribs can prevent accidents and injuries. Canadian Consumer Product Safety Act (CCPSA) bans using any crib made before 1986.

COVID-19 has shown us that our frontliners are our heroes. These are the healthcare workers who have all been working tirelessly and selflessly to serve and protect the community. UC BABY would like to extend our appreciation to the frontliners. We want you to know that we appreciate and support you.

A baby’s gender is determined by the sperm on day one. If the sperm is carrying an X chromosome, the baby will be a girl. If the sperm is carrying a Y chromosome, the baby will be a boy. With a normal pregnancy, the genital parts of the baby become visible by ultrasound after 14 weeks […]

Quand vais-je entendre les battements de cœur de mon bébé ? » Cette question résonne dans l’esprit de toutes les futures mamans. L’anticipation, l’excitation et la connexion à une nouvelle vie – tout commence par ce son rythmique.