Tag Archives: accouchement

Baby birth traditions are some of the most beautiful customs and practices around the world. India is a country full of beautiful ceremonies, traditions and culture. Baby birth traditions in India put primary importance on the baby’s firsts – first head shave, first words, first ear piercing, firsts words to hear.

Baby birth traditions are some of the most beautiful customs around the world. In China, as in most places, the whole family places a lot of importance on the continuation of the family tree. The entire family is heavily involved in the child’s life, and thus many of the baby traditions focus on the family […]

Bali is an Indonesian Island in the Indian Ocean. The majority of the population has baby birth traditions specific to the island. Balinese people have unique customs related to birth and how babies are treated afterwards. They practice certain ceremonies for the placenta, umbilical cord, and cutting of the baby’s hair.

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